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31 Jan 2025ADMS-Urban to be used in a NERC-funded West Midlands climate adaptation study

CERC are pleased to be collaborating with a multi-disciplined team on a new Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)-funded project to combat the impact of climate change in the West Midlands. University of Birmingham (UoB) experts are working with the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) on 'WM-Adapt', which will significantly enhance the West Midlands region's capacity to adapt to the effects of climate change in urban areas. CERC's role is to support the UoB team in their application of ADMS-Urban Temperature and Humidity for local climate modelling of the West Midlands.

WM-Adapt brings together UoB scientists from a range of disciplines (including engineering, environmental sciences and applied health sciences) with representatives from local government and the third sector at the Birmingham Voluntary Service Council. Climate adaptation experts Climate Sense are also key members of the team. More information about WM-Adapt can be found in the recent press release.

This work builds on CERC's previous collaborations with the University of Birmingham, for example the successful West Midlands Air Quality Improvement Programme (WM-Air) and the ongoing WM-NZ project, which is working towards providing evidence and tools that link net-zero policies more closely with positive health outcomes. Of relevance to WM-Adapt, Dr Jian Zhong (who has recently moved to the Centre for Advanced Simulation and Modelling at the University of Greenwich), has led research that applies ADMS-Urban to modelling temperatures over Birmingham at high (50 m) resolution. He has also published multiple papers demonstrating the use of ADMS-Urban for baseline and scenario air quality modelling of the West Midlands.

About the image: This shows modelled near-surface air temperature mapping at 50 m x 50 m resolution in Birmingham, UK 11 GMT 26th August 2019 modelled using ADMS-Urban (taken from 'Modelling the urban heat island in Birmingham, UK at the neighbourhood scale', Zhong et al. EGU 2024.


19 Dec 20242024 ADMS User Group Meetings – presentations are available to download

Following this year's ADMS User Group Meetings, which took place in Cambridge on 4-5 December, electronic copies of the presentations are now available to download from the CERC website User Area. Model users with a valid support contract, including all annual licence holders, are entitled to register for password-protected access to the User Area. To register, or to be reminded of your password, click here.


7 Nov 2024Agendas now available for the ADMS User Group Meetings, 4-5 December 2024, Cambridge

There is still time to book your tickets for the 2024 ADMS User Group Meetings, which will be held at Murray Edwards College, Cambridge on 4th and 5th December.

Tickets are available to order through Eventbrite until 23:30 on Tuesday 19th November. Organisations with a valid software support contract are entitled to one or more tickets free of charge depending on the type of licence held.

30 Oct 2024EFT 12.1 update for ADMS-Roads, ADMS-Urban and ADMS-Airport

The UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and the Devolved Administrations have released version 12.1 of the Emissions Factors Toolkit (EFT). Details of the changes for this version are given in the EFT user guide.

We have processed the new EFT and published an update for ADMS-Roads, ADMS-Urban and ADMS-Airport verion 5 on the Other downloads page of our User Area. If you are registered, you can go straight to the download folder. If you are not registered, follow the instructions on the User Area main page.

25 Oct 2024Opportunities to work at CERC

CERC is recruiting!

We are looking for a Scientific Software Engineer to work within our scientific software development team. The successful candidate will be involved in the development of CERC's software products including the world-leading ADMS software.

We are also seeking an Operational Systems Software Engineer to join our air quality forecasting team. The successful candidate will contribute to the development and maintenance of our operational cloud-based air quality forecasting and alerting systems.

Finally, we have an opening for an Air Quality Scientist to join our research team. This role involves working on longer-term research projects, in particular those involving application, evaluation and development of our world-leading ADMS software.

For full details, please see CERC's jobs page.

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